Legal Entity
Kegs on Legs is a registered business name of KOL Hospitality Group and is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.
This site and the data contained in it are covered by copyright. Copyright in the site, concepts, databases, logos etc. are held by Kegs on Legs and KOL Hospitality Group Third Party Websites. Links to a third party site are provided for your convenience only Kegs on Legs are not responsible for and make no representations concerning the condition and content of/or products and services offered at the third party site. The link does not indicate, expressly or implied that Kegs on Legs endorse the site or the products or services offered there. You access the site and use any products or services at your own risk.
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Although Kegs on Legs and KOL Hospitality Group has implemented security procedures, they cannot warrant that unauthorised access to information and data could not occur.
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